I see nothing else in any of the /var/log files of use. The only remaining nibble of information I have is that it claims I have the alleged password wrong: sshd: Failed password for zzzzzzz from zz.zz.zz.zz port 53620 ssh2Įven so, as far as I can tell, this is just a lazy try/catch somewhere, since I don't think there's a password involved at all. After this keyfile stuff fails, I can enter my password instead I've tried both authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 in case the server has an old version of OpenSSH, but this changed nothing.I had to solve this too and I know it got past this because I no longer see a related error in /var/log/auth.log.
Next, Log in to the Linux server and change to the home directory with the cd command: Then, create the. Highlight the Public key that was created in the text box and copy it to the clipboard.
I spent about 3 hours trying to figure out how to connect to a linux box from my windows machine using putty without having to send the password. To solve the 'server refused our key' error, you can do the following steps: Open PuTTYgen, Go to File > Load Private key and open your Private Key File.