Putty ssh public key
Putty ssh public key

I see nothing else in any of the /var/log files of use. The only remaining nibble of information I have is that it claims I have the alleged password wrong: sshd: Failed password for zzzzzzz from zz.zz.zz.zz port 53620 ssh2Įven so, as far as I can tell, this is just a lazy try/catch somewhere, since I don't think there's a password involved at all. After this keyfile stuff fails, I can enter my password instead I've tried both authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 in case the server has an old version of OpenSSH, but this changed nothing.I had to solve this too and I know it got past this because I no longer see a related error in /var/log/auth.log.

putty ssh public key

  • The permissions were at once point wrong as well, specifically meaning that the file had too many permissions.
  • Even so, I have no way to verify accuracy here. I've also tried the public file doctoring process a few times to ensure that I haven't flubbed up the manual conversion. The key is all on a single line now, and I have tried adding/removing line breaks at the end of the file. However, since I am not yet connected, I cannot absolutely confirm that this file is in the correct format. I have corrected this (as seen on this blog post).

    putty ssh public key

  • Putty generated the public key in the "wrong format".
  • I have run into the more common problems already: This is connecting to an Ubuntu server that is using OpenSSH.

    putty ssh public key

    Next, Log in to the Linux server and change to the home directory with the cd command: Then, create the. Highlight the Public key that was created in the text box and copy it to the clipboard.


    I spent about 3 hours trying to figure out how to connect to a linux box from my windows machine using putty without having to send the password. To solve the 'server refused our key' error, you can do the following steps: Open PuTTYgen, Go to File > Load Private key and open your Private Key File.

    Putty ssh public key