Six in One :Small caps generator output in six.

Supper Easy :Just copy paste and small text generator will convert your content into small letters.

This process is possible with the help of Unicode. If you use 21st century technology and buy OpenType fonts there's a good chance that you'll get the small caps and a bunch of other stuff thrown in at no additional cost. Pre Post SEO small text generator tool generates small text from your regular sized font by just copy and paste. Bottom line - if you are using TT or T1 fonts, you'll either have to buy the small caps font if available or settle for fakery. ID will always use the OpenType small caps when available, but when they are not included it will fall back to font scaling according to the settings in your preferences, which is how all layout programs have always dealt with making small caps when the true small cap font was not available. It is a method of emphasis used when italics, bold or underlining may not be appropriate and all caps just seems a bit too loud. OpenType fonts can contain THOUSANDS of glyphs and often have included small caps, ornaments, and glyphs for multiple languages in the same package, particularly the "Pro" designated versions, though the exact sets will vary from font to font. What is small caps effect in Word Small caps are used to emphasis text, in a more subtle way to all uppercase text.

Your instructor is correct only in the case of older TT or T1 fonts that don't have character sets large enough to include true small caps, so those glyphs must be supplied in a completely separate font (which you don't get automatically -you have to buy it).